Saturday, January 31, 2009

Working Girl

I just finished my first full week at my new job. I love it. Everyone has been happy to meet me and more than willing to help me out while I adjust. The president said it's rare that someone comes into the company and fits in immediately. It makes me feel really good. The job is busy and pretty demanding, but it makes time go by fast. I did have to take a little bit of a pay cut, but that's to be expected in these times I guess...

Sean also started a new job this past week and he's much happier than he was at the last place he worked (for three years and never got a raise even though he carried the title of "Manager"). His new boss actually knows how to run a business - unlike the people he used to work for. It's not like he has any training or a fancy Engineering degree, he just has common sense. Once again, unlike the people who shall remain nameless but are dead to me. Excuse me if I take losing 3 weeks of wages personally.

This weekend should be nice, I feel like I've actually earned it. We got the new bulb for our television so we've been able to watch movies and play video games, although by the time I get home from work I'm kind of tired and just want to eat dinner and relax and before I know it I'm drooling on the couch. I should probably write something about the UFC fight or the SuperBowl. All I can say is I'm not particularly interested in either sport but I do like big TVs and free food and usually all those things go hand in hand. :) Also, there is a bottle of 'Turkey at BFF's house that I've been helping him drink, so after a few shots it won't matter what is on the television, I'm sure I'll have a great time!

1 comment:

Tanjint said...

I'm so glad to hear things are coming back together for you guys. I'll hit you up soon to chill. I've been wanting to blaze a blunt with you guys forever...
