Friday, September 12, 2008

Pikachu, I choose......Daniel Radcliffe?

Let me start by saying that I am not, nor have I ever been a Harry Potter fan. It has nothing to do with the content of the stories, as I have never read the books nor seen the movies. The problem I have with the Harry Potter franchise is that when it first arrived on the scene and became enormously popular in the United States, it overshadowed a child-friendly staple that is near and dear to my heart: Pokemon. That’s right. My beef with Harry Potter is that he stole the limelight that once surrounded Ash, Pikachu and all the other lovable characters (Team Rocket included) that had occupied my after-school hours (HIGH school, by the way). Kids that once dressed in brightly colored Poke-suits on Halloween now donned stripey scarves and geek-glasses on their Trick or Treat excursions. sigh…

For many years I refused to even acknowledge Harry Potter. I had friends who read the books and saw the movies. They’d try to get me interested and I would REFUSE, declaring my allegiance to the Pokehood. I am a die-hard would-have-Pikachu-tattooed-on-my-ass Pokemon fan. I have all million and one episodes on DVD and have spent countless hours having Pokemon-a-thons with my husband and sister-in-law. I know all the words to all the theme songs, and I even saw Pokemon: The First Movie in the theatre. {The part at the end where Ash turns to stone and the Pokemon bring him back to life with their tears STILL makes me cry. lol}

I have recently come to grips with the fact that Pokemon was a fad, and even though its popularity has waned, there are many true fans, like myself that will help it live on forever. {In July, my husband had a migraine that led us to the ER early in the morning and in the waiting room were two youngsters each equipped with a Nintendo DS talking about battles and evolving. I smiled at my husband and said “They’re playing Pokemon!” It isn’t dead after all.}

Still, I haven’t checked out a single Harry Potter book or movie. I feel like it’s a little too late to recant my previous hatred, but today one VERY interesting thing caught my attention: The coming of age of Daniel Radcliffe. Holy Statutory is he one good-looking kid! I was reading an article about his upcoming Broadway debut and the picture attached to it looked nothing like the young Harry Potter of yesterday. In fact, he looks very similar to another actor I used to “have it bad” for, Mr. Frodo himself, Elijah Wood. {I wrote Elijah a letter when I was like 11 asking him to be my boyfriend! I had myself totally convinced he’d say yes.} I know Dan Rad is only 19, but damn! Move over, Zack Efron, this guy’s got you beat. AND he has an accent. Nice… ;-)

Love that little bit of “I’m not a teen,
but I’m not an adult” facial hair.

I’m a hobbit, I’m a cannibal. I can be anything you want.

1 comment:

Chris Grose said...

I sincerely hope your husband looks like a 17 year old boy, or he might be pretty jealous reading this blog.

I'm lurking because you're following my blog, and it's really cool to know someone else who's brain runs rampant like mine.