Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just a little something for Election Day

I am 25 years old and I have never voted. EVER. I figured since I live in California, the delegates in this state will vote the way I want anyway, blah blah blah... basically I didn't want to register and get stuck with Jury Duty. Which I have had 3 times despite the fact that I barely registered to vote in September. SO! This year being all historic and whatnot, I decided to go ahead and do it. In honor of my first voting experience, I wrote a little poem:

I'm going to the polls today
to stand in line and wait,
I'll cast my vote for president
and help dissolve Prop 8.

I'll sit and watch the TV screen
when all the votes are in,
And if Obama doesn't win
I guess I'll be Canadian!


1 comment:

Tanjint said...

too bad about prop 8 though... i'm in riverside utterly constantly lately. hit me up whenever. I promise I won't necessarily stay for 12 consecutive hours again LOL.
